Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cynthia Research (Kayak, Umiak, Winter Apparel, Belief System)

Inuit Reference

Animal Reference

Sled Reference

Polar Bear Dramatic Inspiration Shots Reference

Landscape Reference

Explorers Reference

Character Reference

Back Pack Reference

Ben's Research (Flint Sleel, Inuit info)

·        A few things I've found is that there are two indigenous people to cold climates around Canada, Alaska, and Greenland. One is the Yupik, and the other is Inuit. Both seem the same to me, except for geography.

o   Anyways Pocahontas is useless. She swims in a shaven log (which I doubt the reality of it working)

o   The boats Anna was talking about.

o   Here's a modern view of what they would look like, being usedhttp://kleighd.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/inuit.jpg

·        Flint steel

o   Kinda fun to look at


o   So, I have found a few things when it comes to my research topics

o   First, I found a perfect video describing how flint steel works.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RujU7rhNrjk

o   One thing I've learned about boats that go to the arctic shelf that they were very similar to your average boats, but the bottom of the boat was flat, so it could glide on the ice, then crack it. I think this might be similar to how it was, back then

o   The only natives I found were in early Canada, and they lived in fur tents, with clothes like this: http://www.uscg.mil/history/img/natives1.jpg



Adrian Glacier 2

Adrian Glacier 1

Snowing 1

Walking in strong Wind 2

Walking in strong Wind 1

Fire Video Reference 1

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blizzard 04

Blizzard 03

Blizzard 02

Blizzard 01

Polar Bears Play Fighting


Polar Bear Walking Video

Animated Snow Reference 2

Animated Snow Reference

Animated Fire Reference

Animated Blizzard Video Reference

Visual Development Reference